Got a problem with your Clutch? Bring your car down for a free diagnostic. Give the team a call, we are happy to help

Clutch Replacements

If you begin to feel the clutch making some small jerks, just like knots on a string, it can be a sign that the clutch is defective.

The majority of the clutch is hidden from view, so you can only really feel if there is something wrong when driving, we will be able to tell quite quickly if there is a problem, so it’ always worth getting it checked if you feel that something is wrong.

There are several parts in the clutch, that can become worn or jump, the discs can be worn, as well as a spring system either breaks or becomes slack. All these parts can be replaced independently of each other.

How do I know if I need a clutch replacement?

If you’re experiencing any of the below symptoms, you may need a clutch replacement:

  • Spongy, sticking, vibrating or loose clutch pedal when pressed.
  • Squeaking or grumbling noise when pressed.
  • Ability to rev the engine, but poor acceleration.
  • Difficulty shifting gear.
  • Burning smell

Experiencing Clutch Problem?

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